
About Me
Hi fellow art students and webserfers my name is Tasina Tweedy and this is my student WordPress website! Here on my WordPress site I upload weekly work of my projects done in school and/or in my free time on to my E-Portfolio to share with art schools, colleagues, and teachers.
I’m a visual arts major and I have a multitude of interests. So much in fact to where it’s kind of hard to pick what I want to focus on in terms of a specific major but I know I definitely want to do something artistic. I’m currently interested in game art/design & writing, animation specifically CGI animation, and comic book art & and writing. I also have a sight interest in fashion design and stylized street art paintings to some degree.
Also I’m a huge anime & manga fan A.K.A an otaku and an Asian culture enthusiast so Asian culture & Anime/Manga have a heavy influence in my art style. One of my long term goals is for me and my brother to visit Japan. I’m on a mission to create a unique art style that’s a mixture of Asian/African American culture with a Anime/Manga & urban/Hip-hop influence.
One of my several career goals is to become either and/or a professional video game artist or art director and/or writer, CGI animator & writer, an amerimanga motion comic book artist & writer, and a light novelist. Might design some clothes and do some painting on the side too.
Well once again welcome to my website and enjoy your time browsing through my WordPress site! Oh one last thing any constructive criticism is also highly appreciated as it will help me know what areas need improvement.

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